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S.H. Figuarts Iron Man Mark IV from Iron Man 2 Final Pics and Details!

From the continuing adventures of Ground Punch Man comes the S.H. Figuarts Iron Man Mark VI by Bandai! After seeing the final pics and details, this may be the definitive version of this character in the six-inch size class. Comes with multiple effect parts, optional hands, and can cross his legs like a champ. This is being released on May 31st for 4,500 yen.






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Posted 28 May, 2013 - 10:41 by VF5SS


1 comment posted
Boy, check out Mr.

Boy, check out Mr. Thunder-Thighs over here... O_o

EVA_Unit_4A's picture
Posted by EVA_Unit_4A on 28 May, 2013 - 11:48