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Crimson Typhoon


20 comments posted
Best Jaeger of wave 1 - should deserve a little more credit

Nice write up & photography, but I do feel the figure should deserve some more credit where its due.

1. The front right arm shoulder IS a balljoint. Some of these were glued in QC - maybe because they thought they were a little too loose. Anyway, people have successfully wiggled this balljoint loose from the glue ; mine functions exactly the same now as the rear right arm. Really, it IS factually a balljoint.

2. Design element argument : the cycloptic head design ; no one complains about the mono eye head design on TF Shockwave or the VF1-A. Why would it be a problem on a Jaeger design now ?

3. Design element argument : the downward head "antenna's" ; no one complains about the head antenna's on TF Optimus Prime or the VF1-J. Why complain about them if the "antenna's" face the opposite direction ? Anyway, in fact... they are NOT antenna's. By design, they are hydraulic shock absorbers, to absorb Kaiju smashes to the head. In the CGi design they're loosely connected to one set of small pistons which rotate around 360 degrees along with the conn pod. So in fact, these "antenna's" make a lot of sense by design.

4. Design element argument : the chicken legs ; I've no idea how your leg joints became broken or loose, but the ones on mine and many others are in good shape ; google Crimson Tyhphoon and you'll see a lot of really dynamic poses these legs provide. Also, by movie fact, thanks to these chicken legs, this is the only Jaeger which is able to perform a drop kick.

5. The torso ball joint : it's got so much room around which allows for some really good ab crunch poses. I mean... the Cgi model doesn't look THAT much different in terms of mid torso proportions.

6. For its price point you get a size bigger and paint jobs better, than most deluxe Transformers at that same price point.

So yeah... just like in HasTak Transformers, there's some quality control inconsistency. My 2 Crimson Typhoons are fine, as well as the most of others in their youtube reviews, they seem pretty fine in terms of quality. The paint app details are definetely better than the ones on Gipsy Danger. I really suggest you to try another Crimson Typhoon, wiggle the first right arm shoulder balljoint if neccessary and then you'll see it's truly a marvelous figure.

For its "TF deluxe" price you get something way better with Crimson Typhoon....just don't expect a $ 100 super high end collecter figurine ( My Bandai Hi Metal VF1-J feels like a rip off compared to this ). I'm stoked for Neca's Cherno Alpha now !

knoted's picture
Posted by knoted on 10 August, 2013 - 14:36
Thanks for the feedback, I

Thanks for the feedback, I think I have to comment on a few things:

1. Come to find out, it is a ball joint. I pulled it out of its socket and it's actually a dual ball joint. One side pops in and out of the body fine, but the other side is fused with the arm. It may be glue, but it's too strong to unstick by hand. The end result is it acts like a swivel joint, despite its design. I might be able to un-stick it with some pliers, but Should I have to?

2. The mono-eye is just my opinion. I love it on shockwave, here it looks weak and narrow. But that's opinion.

3. I wasn't speaking about upward antennae. I love them on prime, jetfire, etc. These I know are hydraulic pistons, but since they are not connected to the base they look stupid, like droopy ears. A better decision would have been to have them molded into and under the neck.

4. I didn't say I didn't like the idea of the chicken legs on the robot, I just thought they did not transition well to toy form.

5. A minor quibble. but I thought it could have been done better.

6. Bigger and better paint job than a deluxe TF? Agreed. Better toy? Not a chance.

I've said this about NECA before - they have GREAT sculpts and paint, but there's a real disconnect when it comes to taking their static statue sculpts and transforming them into action figures. If they can improve their game when it comes to that process, they will be doing great.

JoshB's picture
Posted by JoshB on 10 August, 2013 - 19:18
Anyway, in fact... they are

Anyway, in fact... they are NOT antenna's. By design, they are hydraulic shock absorbers, to absorb Kaiju smashes to the head. In the CGi design they're loosely connected to one set of small pistons which rotate around 360 degrees along with the conn pod. So in fact, these "antenna's" make a lot of sense by design.

So... if they're pistons on the movie design... and dangling, detached rods on the toy... how does that make sense? I genuinely don't understand what you mean. Detached, fake pistons always look bad on toys, and there isn't even an attempt here to hide the ends where they're cut off.

Also, after handling a friend's copy of the figure, there is no damn way I'd try to take apart that front right shoulder joint. On the copy I handled, it felt like it was close to breaking just from normal handling.

recognizer's picture
Posted by recognizer on 11 August, 2013 - 14:27

The full Cgi model shows the extra bars which connect those pistons to the conn pod neck rotation ; those can't be on the toy because they would have to be actual working hydraulics. So, the concept of them being shock absorbers is still there visually, and it still makes sense. Afterall, the head on the toy has to facilitate 360 rotation, look up and down. So yeah, bottom line is that its an aesthetics argument here. To me, it doesn't make sense to dismiss this design part, only because the 15 dollar toy can't recreate fully working and rotating hydraulic pistons. The fact I have to switch landing gear add on parts & bigger hands on my so called "high-end" Hi Metal VF1 or 1/60 VF1 v2, which went for more than 100 bucks is imo worse.

About the arm ; NOWHERE did I say anything about taking the shoulder apart.

Simply wiggle the arm gently outward ; the glue should loosen from that balljoint and then it works exactly like the rear arm.

This figure simply delivers a fantastic detailed sculpt, decent articulation ( the poses it does on my desk here aren't inferior to anything on my desk ) and evocative paints apps for mass audience movie go-ers at a reasonable price.

Whereas here, I get the feeling, it's bound to be marked down, just because it's not a 100 dollar Bandai / Yamato.

knoted's picture
Posted by knoted on 11 August, 2013 - 17:32
People are being critical of

People are being critical of the Pacific Rim releases because NECA has been so up and down on their releases, and in terms of poseability and QA Wave 1 of the Pacific Rim releases objectively don't hold up to NECA's other current licenses at the same price point. People are disappointed that their enthusiasm for the movie isn't matched by the quality of the Neca releases, which are the only game in town.

From what I've seen by reading Poe Ghostal, this was a financial decision by NECA in designing the first wave of a line based on an untested property; NECA realizes it; and that the quality of the Pacific Rim figures should improve in coming releases.

You're trying to make some sort of East Vs. West argument here that doesn't exist here. Besides, there have been plenty of times that Japanese toys have been panned on this website.

SpaceRunaway's picture
Posted by SpaceRunaway on 11 August, 2013 - 18:25
my first Neca's

Well, these are actually my first Neca's...and they exceeded my moderate expectations : being 1st wave figures of a new movie franchise at mass audience price point, without an established figure line history as, say...Star Wars.

I'm not trying to set up an East vs West argument, but I'm simply echoing to the tone of this review and several forums posts across the net which have literally stated to not go near this, simply because it's not a high end Bandai or a SH figurearts.
I mean... if we're all aware about this product placement like Poe Ghostal is, then why does the tone of his review feels that much different ?

knoted's picture
Posted by knoted on 11 August, 2013 - 19:11
I'm simply echoing to the

I'm simply echoing to the tone of this review and several forums posts across the net which have literally stated to not go near this, simply because it's not a high end Bandai or a SH figurearts.

Dude, if several posts on other sites are making that criticism, go there and argue with them. Josh is telling people not to go near this toy because he bought one and was disappointed. I'm telling people to stay away from it because I played with one and it sucked from the waist up.

recognizer's picture
Posted by recognizer on 11 August, 2013 - 19:53
those can't be on the toy

those can't be on the toy because they would have to be actual working hydraulics.

That's true. No, wait, it isn't... there are lots of small-scale toys with working fake pistons. Even dread McFarlane did it a bunch, many years ago.

So, the concept of them being shock absorbers is still there visually, and it still makes sense.

Where is "the concept of them being shock absorbers" there visually? Is it in the end that's attached to the head, or the end that isn't attached to anything? Dude, it looks horrible. It doesn't even attempt to represent the mechanism. For that matter, why do you think they're shock absorbers, and not the mechanism that actually moves the head? I don't really see what shock would be absorbed.

the head on the toy has to facilitate 360 rotation

It HAS to? Did Crimson Typhoon actually rotate its head 360 degrees in the movie? I don't recall it, though maybe I missed something. It seems like Typhoon's head piston mechanism would prevent it from being able to turn more than a limited distance to either side.

Not sure what your point about the Hi-Metal VF-1 is; isn't that generally regarded as a piece of crap toy?

As for the extra hands on the 1/60 VF-1, are you somehow *offended* that Yamato chose to include anime-style hands? If they bother you so much, throw them away. It's already got excellent posable hands integrated into the toy.

Simply wiggle the arm gently outward

As I said, it felt like it might break just from handling it normally. It might be deal-withable if I could get the joint out of its socket, but it was absolutely not loosening up from normal handling. Your suggestion would not do any more than was already necessary to pose the toy - I moved that arm everywhere it was willing to go, and it didn't show any sign of anything beyond simple rotation.

recognizer's picture
Posted by recognizer on 11 August, 2013 - 19:44
there are lots of small-scale

there are lots of small-scale toys with working fake pistons.

Alright, but how much did they cost and did it seem worth the additional development cost, to the overal figure ?

For that matter, why do you think they're shock absorbers, and not the mechanism that actually moves the head?

Not % 100 sure, but to me it seems the neck swivel rotates the head unit and the hydraulics are there to aid, in catching Kaiju smashes to the head. If you look at the CGi model and the game model, the bars which attach those hydraulic pistons to the neckswivel, rotate around along with the neckswivel.

Anyway, it's those connector bars which the toy omits. Would it make such a huge difference to you if the toy actually had the bars & working pistons ? Even if one finds downward pistons to look daft, is that such a big knock against the overal figure ? Personally, I find Gipsy Danger's thigh armour panels which hinder his leg articulation, a more glaring issue.

I can understand Josh's apprehension due to the snapped knee joint and the glued shoulder balljoint, but would his review pan out differently if his Crimson Typhoon didn't have those issues ? Imo, it's more a matter of QC issues, than the actual design of the toy. Many others aside me have managed to wiggle it loose and now it simply works the same as the rear arm.

As for the extra hands on the 1/60 VF-1, --- It's already got excellent posable hands integrated into the toy.

For such a bigger toy at such a higher price, they're not that great imo and the gunpod never snapped in securely, on mine. Anyway, my point is that early runs of more expensive toy lines had their share of QC issues too, but imo it's a little easier to deal with in the league of $15 toys. As a mass audience priced toy at 7" size, it delivers quite well ....imo.

knoted's picture
Posted by knoted on 11 August, 2013 - 23:53
"So yeah, bottom line is that

"So yeah, bottom line is that its an aesthetics argument here. To me, it doesn't make sense to dismiss this design part, only because the 15 dollar toy can't recreate fully working and rotating hydraulic pistons. The fact I have to switch landing gear add on parts & bigger hands on my so called "high-end" Hi Metal VF1 or 1/60 VF1 v2, which went for more than 100 bucks is imo worse."

So disconnected pistons that look bad is worse than optional parts that look right and are functional?

Now you're just reaching.

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 11 August, 2013 - 19:45
Man I hope that the quality

Man I hope that the quality picks up in the next couple series; at least by the time they get to Coyote Tango.

Also hoping that the 18" figure(s) turn out to be a little more inspired than their smaller brethren.

SpaceRunaway's picture
Posted by SpaceRunaway on 10 August, 2013 - 14:25
I made some mode upgread for this figure

Loved your review, and you are right about the Q.C stuff

I have made some fixing to this figure and made it more articulated and better looking

Here is my TFW2005 link:

hope you like it

AlonD's picture
Posted by AlonD on 11 August, 2013 - 02:10
I just copied and pasted the

I just copied and pasted the link.

You did an AMAZING job bro. If only more people made Pacific Rim customs...

mrtrainfreak12's picture
Posted by mrtrainfreak12 on 11 August, 2013 - 06:26
Jin Saotome's Crimson Typhoon

Check this out :

knoted's picture
Posted by knoted on 11 August, 2013 - 09:10
I saw the ebay listings

I saw the ebay listings for that. That actually is awesome as well! :D

mrtrainfreak12's picture
Posted by mrtrainfreak12 on 11 August, 2013 - 09:15

There's something....innately unappealing about Live action CG Robots...when I look at something like Michael Bay's Transformers, I don't see the iconic robot under all of the weathering, pistons, and mechanical Mess that it just becomes a Blob fighting other blobs....

the same problem happens with this movie's machines...I can't look at the robot itself, instead seeing all of the unnessesary details on it that it just becomes a Blob...

blitzkriegomega's picture
Posted by blitzkriegomega on 11 August, 2013 - 19:06
*looks at comments

*looks at comments above*

It's all been said already for me, so I can't really add anything except to say I read the article and watched the video. O_o

EVA_Unit_4A's picture
Posted by EVA_Unit_4A on 12 August, 2013 - 10:41
NECA's figures are ok for the

NECA's figures are ok for the price - these mech designs just need a higher quality iteration to really shine. Curious to see if someone that produces higher-end stuff will pick up the licence.

north-exit's picture
Posted by north-exit on 13 August, 2013 - 09:40
I must have gotten stupidly

I must have gotten stupidly lucky with this figure. Both the smaller arms were ball-jointed normally out of the box. Its still not the greatest figure, but I enjoy it for what it is. I do wish the joints were a bit tighter, and some of the articulation choices boggle my mind. But overall, I'm digging this figure. Hopefully Striker Eureka turns out better.

HatRabies's picture
Posted by HatRabies on 14 August, 2013 - 04:33
I'm kind of with JoshB...

If it wasn't for my love for the movie and wish to support this line, the toys would be a bit too McFarlanish for my taste. But Chinese Bot is probably my favorite of the first wave (funny that arguably the worst toy of the lot, Gipsy Danger is the most sought after... at least on eBay). I'm looking for some improvements on the 2nd wave also...maybe even in the battle damaged Gipsy variant. And who knows how the 18 incher will turn out? I'll wait for some reviews before I'll bite since NECA's track record with their jumboish figures have been shaky at best...

Harvey's picture
Posted by Harvey on 14 August, 2013 - 22:51