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Nadeko Sengoku

Nadeko Sengoku
Nadeko Sengoku
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¥ 3,048
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Review by Animaven

With the re-appearance of the “-Monogatari” series this winter season, (and hallelujah for it), the girls of NisioisiN’s series enjoy a rise in their stock. One of the best of “Bakemonogatari,” Nadeko Sengoku has a little problem with a snake. Her personal aberration? A classmate cursed her to be slowly strangled by a snake. Ouch. 

From Max Factory’s figma line, it’s Nadeko Sengoku (courtesy of the good people at Angolz)!

Here’s thox. Pretty standard. I think it’s interesting that you can’t really see her head, given her tendency towards shyness and hiding. 

nadeko sengoku figma

And now in her casing:

nadeko sengoku figma

Here she is out of the box! 

nadeko sengoku figma

You can see she has every inch of her covered in clothing, including her jacket. She also comes with a cap; we’ll get to that later. 

nadeko sengoku figma

From the side. She can easily stand on her own, despite having the stand with the traditional figma arm. 

nadeko sengoku figma

You can see the large stand port in her back. 

Now, without her coat:

nadeko sengoku figma

From the side, you can see her red pouch hidden just below her shirt.

nadeko sengoku figma

She has a pretty good wingspan. 

nadeko sengoku figma

One of the important bits of the story involves the snake twisting Nadeko into painful positions. Her figma body allows for this. 

nadeko sengoku figma

nadeko sengoku figma

nadeko sengoku figma

She has two other faces. On the pictures above, she’s wearing her pained face. Here’s her happy face:

nadeko sengoku figma

She also comes with her cap and another jacket. It’s more of an action shot jacket, I think. She also has a little red cell phone. 

nadeko sengoku figma

Ready to fight:

nadeko sengoku figma

All-in-all? She’s a decent figure. She’s not one of my favorites, but certainly not awful. You cna pick one up, if you like, at Angolz.

Posted 12 February, 2013 - 15:43 by Animaven