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Gimix Series Macross Delta VF-31S Siegfried Arad Moelders Type

TomyTec's Gimix series is 1/144th scale pre-painted airplane kits that are easy to assemble. Next up for their Macross Delta offerings is Delta leader's (Arad Moelder's) VF-31S Siegfried. This is sold as either a Fighter mode kit or a Battroid mode kit. Purchasing both allows you to combine parts to form a Gerwalk. TomyTec is also offering a deluxe set of Fighter and Battroid mode. All three types are scheduled for release in October 2016. Fighter mode will cost 4,000 yen, Battroid mode will cost 4,200 yen, and the set of both will cost 8,200 yen.





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Posted 8 June, 2016 - 07:34 by VF5SS