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  • Bandai Museum Tour

    Great article. Unfortunately the Gundam Cafe was closed by the time you got there. You could have had a Mono Eye or Haro drink at the bar. That place was a trip.

    The Garada used to be bound to the ceiling with wires. A friend of mine was involved in setting up the Bandai Museum, and told me the Garada was found in one of Popy's old warehouses, gathering dust. Nobody had any idea what it was.

    Roger   18 years 14 weeks ago
  • Space Runaway Ideon

    I even got a third one of these at a New Englad Comics sale for only $10. So they are out there for cheap if you keep your eyes open.

    Nekrodave   18 years 14 weeks ago
  • DVD Review: Robot Jox

    That's not really true... The format for the movie's "bio" here is limited at this point because of how Joshua set it up initially. I've been going over details with him for the last few days, and we're planning on reformating how it looks. In the review I initially submitted, Joe Haldeman's name was credited as the screenwriter. But for now, this is all that'll appear.

    I'm gonna have to forward that page to a few people, though.

    EVA_Unit_4A   18 years 15 weeks ago
  • DVD Review: Robot Jox

    You forgot one of the most notable things about this film - it was written by legendary science fiction writer Joe Haldeman. You can read about his experiences writing it here.

    Roger   18 years 15 weeks ago
  • I am so jealous of you guys!! I am so itching to go to Tokyo sometime in May, but I am presently saving for a downpayment for an place.

    I have been to Japan once when I was 15yrs.old and haven't gone back since then.

    Keep putting up this travel guides. Thanks a lot.

    VoltesV.Bigfalcon   18 years 15 weeks ago
  • Awesome job Josh, Loved how you edited and presented my writeup and the pics are outstanding as always.

    Jerilock   18 years 15 weeks ago
  • nice one, i just got back from a 3 day visit to tokyo in early feb. i just had to go, was nowhere near my actual destination of canada (visiting friends for xmas) but just threw it into the plans! spent a lot of time in dept stores where the sheer size of the 'cool' toy section was about the size of the whole toys r us store here in west australia! spun me right out but i was there for the markets. heard there were all sorts of used toys for sale market style but couldnt really find what i was after. learnt a lot though - take heaps of US dollars or yen (not all credit cards work!), learn some japanese coz no one speaks english, get good maps and know where you wanna go, dont get lost on subways and get where you wanna get early coz theyre not open 24/7!!

    cool place - was raining the whole time i was there tho - but really cool. I will be prepared next time and there will be a next time! Have a great time and keep living the dream while you can!

    Thanks for collectionDX! your collection is inspirational to say the least..

    *life is a playground - PLAY IN IT!!*

    Random Spaceman   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • We're actually in tokyo gathering data for an all new guide - stay tuned!

    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • Nice one, this sort of info. is always helpfull.

    I was lucky enough to travel to Tokyo a few years ago and I can recommend to anyone GO, GO NOW!!!- YOU WON"T BE DISAPPOINTED.

    I had the luck of being able to tag along with a mate of mine on one of his buying trips to Tokyo and Hong Kong (he owns an shop and finds hims self traveling to these location on a regular basis - LUCKY BASTARD!!) Anyway, he had sussed out most of the cool shops on previous trips which made it even easier to plow through my meager budget like there was no tomorrow (ahh, it's only money) and I couldn't believe the amount of great stuff these shops had in stock .

    If you are thinking of going you should also try to time it with one of the swap and sells they hold at Tokyo Big Site. We timed our stay in Tokyo with the WCC (World Character Convention), which is one of the smaller swap and sells but there where still tons of dealers.

    bomberx   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • NYTF06: Hasbro

    It has recently come to my attention that there will be more than just the five "Beast Wars" sets mentioned above. The original versions of Tarantulus, Dinobot, and Transmetal Rattrap will be reissued as well; each including CD with a single "Beast Wars" episode highlighting that character.

    Each set will also have the final three pieces for the exclusive Transmutate figure- bringing the total number of collectable pieces to eight.



    EVA_Unit_4A   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • Space Runaway Ideon

    We got the review toy at Newbury Comics as well. Great deal.


    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • Space Runaway Ideon

    I totally agree with you that this is an awesome toy. I initially wanted one when it was first released but did not want to pay the whopping 5,800 yen plus international shipping. This toy was later relased domestically and i stumbled across one at Newbury Comics for 20 bucks. And have seen several others at other Newbury Comics. So if you are looking for this awesome toy at an awesome price, i suggest starting there.

    Anavel   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • Thanks for all the info on Attacktix!


    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • Well, I'll continue to go to toy fair as long as they invite me. I think future toy fairs will be scaled down a bit until the economy gets stronger. I hope there will be more japanese toys there, but Unfortunately I think theres not the mass market for them. There will always be star wars and Power Rangers though!

    I'm actually in Tokyo right now, toy shopping and having a blast. Never been to china or korea though...

    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • Nice story Josh,

    whats your thoughts on toy fairs to come? was it just missing a bit this year or is there a trend you're noticing over the last 4 years? Any other similar exhibitions to look out for in the future that compare or is NYTF the one to check out? have you ever been to japan, china or korea?

    *life is a playground - PLAY IN IT!!*

    Ben Gartrell   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • You can see all 30+ figures planned to come out RIGHT HERE

    And for those of you who think these guys are deformed, or McDonald's toys... just keep on reading.


    Transformers Attacktix are coming out in a few months, and after the initial showing at Toy Fair 2006, they have been met with some skepticism by Transformer fans. Attacktix, be it Star Wars or Transformers, are very odd looking. They have big bulky arms, giant hands, and guns that would make Gilda Radner's chair look small. What is the reason for all this deformity? Functionality.

    What this means for Transformer fans is that these toys are NOT for fans who only enjoy the thrill of "transforming" that giant robot. There will be no transformations here, aside from a Special Power that pops up from time to time. However, that does not mean these are not toys for Transformers fans. Take it from me, I moderate one of the only Attacktix Forums and author the only Attacktix Blog I am aware of... and when I bought my first pack of Star Wars Attacktix, I kept the receipt.

    Attacktix are fun, and they are meant to be played with! So if you not only love Transformers because of the skill required to transform the toys, but you also enjoy watching the cartoon (any of them) then you will like Attacktix. I can still hear the sound of Optimus Prime transforming into his truck form, with a noise that can not be onomatopoeically written. If you used to make this sound while transforming your figures, and then bang two of them together as if they were fighting in your own lap, then Attacktix is for you!

    My wife and I have collected toys for as long as we have been together. During the height of the new Star Wars trilogy, we bought some of the new figures and we battled... but it didn't feel right. Attacktix brings that feeling back! You get to shoot and punch the bad guys (or the good guys!) To do all this, Hasbro had to alter the look of the figures a bit. In contrast, Marvel Showdown figures look awesome. They are basically mini-Marvel Legends that can fight each other. But how do they fight each other? Spider-Man shoots a web from an arm mounted web blaster and the Incredible Hulk shoots a green fist from... an arm mounted fist blaster. (You remember that issue right?) These ToyBiz toys look great, but nobody bought them for the game, in fact I am not sure who is playing the game.

    People are playing Attacktix. Adults, children, families, everyone is playing with Attacktix because that is these figures' purpose. It is fine if you are a die-hard Transformers fan, and these toys are too childish to pick up. But do not dismiss them because they are Transformers that do not transform, like Action Masters. These are not made for transforming, they are made for battle. Scoffing at a bust of Optimus Prime because he can not transform would be ridiculous. The same goes for Attacktix, buy a Starter Set and let one missile fly. I guarantee you will be hooked!

    jojomanzo   18 years 16 weeks ago
  • -haha dont worry, i'm sure i snore too ;-)

    Maybe I should unload my tie fighter while the getting is good...

    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 17 weeks ago
  • ...snorer is as snorer does. Or something.

    Those gold Titanium TIE Fighters are going for $100-150 on the 'bay right now.

    Roger   18 years 17 weeks ago
  • Deluxe Dragonzord

    I really dislike what Bandai America did with the stickers back in those days, with all the horrible lightning bolts all over the place.

    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 17 weeks ago
  • Coverage of him at BoingBoing here.

    Roger   18 years 17 weeks ago
  • Jeeg Reissue

    You are right about the drills. My guess is they were rounded off in the reissue for safety reasons.

    CollectionDX Admin

    JoshB   18 years 18 weeks ago
  • Jeeg Reissue

    I know that when comparing the reissue and the original, the original big drill missiles are much sharper. The holes in the soles of the feet (for connecting to the Big Shooter) might be different, too. Does anyone have a complete list of differences?

    Roger   18 years 18 weeks ago
  • Rolling Bomber Special

    I have seen "Rolling Bomber Special" several times, and I really like it! "Power Rangers" fans may not get all of it because it's specifically for Japanese fans of the Super Sentai genre, but they will recognise some traits- the skin-tight outfits, a super finishing weapon, etc. But some cultural and parrody nuances may not make much sense, as "PR" is significantly altered (re: 'dumbed down') for the younger audience it targets.
    [Mumbling to himself: 'Blasted American censorship rules...']

    EVA_Unit_4A   18 years 21 weeks ago