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Optimal III

Optimal III's picture

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City or State
Riverdale, GA


About Me :

I'm a child of the 80's, so I grew up during the American toy/marketing revolution that led to great toys and cartoons alike. Which means I was also around for the beginnings of the anime invasion from Japan and console gaming. I'm crazy about comics and wrestling too. Above all, it was cartoons like Robotech, Thundercats, He-Man, and especially Transformers that instilled in me a fascination for physical representations of the things I saw or read about.

Transformers is still #1 in my book, but my interests have grown to so much more. And I always knew on some level I wanted to be a serious collector. Even as a little kid, if I wasn't playing with my toys, I liked to have them displayed in very particular ways and stored safely so as not to break anything.

It was in high school then that I became serious, after doing the online retail thing for a bit and selling off my loose stuff. I realized packaging was important to me too. So I now seek to build the greatest post-70's toy collection in the world, one figure at a time. And while I'm at it, share the history and joy of toys by archiving and writing about them.


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9 years 21 weeks
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