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Motoko Kusanagi

Motoko Kusanagi
Motoko Kusanagi
Release Date:
¥ 8,800
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Review by starro

Character Background.  Major Motoko Kusanagi is probably one of the most popular and well-known female characters in Anime since her debut as part of the Ghost In The Shell franchise years ago.  Kusanagi is a cyborg who heads up Public Security Section 9 which handles terrorist threats to the  fictional Japanese city of New Port in the year 2030.  The major is an intelligent and striking woman and as a cyborg, is not just physically stronger than most people-but has a nearly indestructable body. She jumps off buildings, helicopters and so forth..

Review!   First things first. Here is the box! Motoko arrives with all the usual protective plastic wrapping and so forth.

And the blister

The figure is PVC and is done in 1/7 in "standard" scale and stand about 9 inches tall. Motoko is PVC but has no posability or any adjustable parts. No cast-off (but a naked Motoko statue would be somewhere between sacrelgious and/or a huge selling point). There are no other accessories but the statue and base arrive separate from one another. 

The sculpt is very eye-pleasing and they've placed Motoko in an effective action pose that is pretty typical for Motoko in the "Stand Alone Complex" anime.  

Kind of a generic look on the face but one could argue that's what she looks like in the anime.

She's caught in mid-strut with her leather jacket slung on one-shoulder and sunglasses tucked under her skin-tight outfit.  No nipples or extra closeup tease Motoko is almost SFW!

One of the nice details on the statue is that all of the "ports" on the back of her neck are there.  Also, some very nice details subtly placed like the gun in the jacket in the rear and so forth. 

There are many good reasons to enjoy the look. I love the skin-tight action suit under the pants slung just right.  

I kind of like the sunglasses-but I admit from a distance, they look kind of weird because they break up the clean lines.

Closer look at the left side of the statue. I like the statue in general..but the skin is really light and more alabaster than I remember...

Lots of eye-pleasing details all around the body. Sculpted nicely.  There are some minor sloppy bits between some of the glued parts (there are in this picture for instance) but you need to look REAL close to find them..

Side view on the left, accentuating the leather jacket!

Nice closeup details on the left side..esp. on the jacket!

A full shot of Motoko's rear side.

The sculptors gifted Motoko with a very round and eye-pleasing derriere..

The feet articulate with the base via a couple of plastic pegs that stick into the feet.

The base with the big pegs. Stable with a consistent metallic color.

Overview. So, ultimately, what we have here is a pretty nice, but not really remarkable or stunning PVC version of Motoko Kusanagi. It captures her character and shows a lot of great details but doesn't really show that extra mile that some statues seem to have. Dont' get me wrong-I rather like this statue but I've seen other versions of the Major that are pretty stunning. This one will go along with those statues but I'm not sure that its my favorite. A solid, if conservative effort to show off one of anime's best loved characters.

Posted 10 March, 2012 - 16:29 by starro